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Expanding on self-development

I proudly authored the book titled "Why We Make Bad Choices in Modern-Day Genesis 1-3". It was a product of my instincts and expertise derived from my psychology degree and my diploma in transpersonal therapy. My unwavering determination was the driving force behind the book's completion, making it a success.


My motivation behind the project was driven by my interest in exploring the duality of good and evil, as presented in the first book of the Old Testament, Genesis. I desired to share my ideas and insights with others and believed my work could be of value to those seeking introspection from a transpersonal perspective. The book is highly recommended for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of this subject matter and is willing to approach the content with an open mind.


I wondered why I would write this type of book; however, I continued without questioning the reasons and content. Several months after the book was published, I wrote down a list of my goals, including exploring ideas for developing a workshop. While doing so, I realised the metaphor in the perspective of good and evil could be symbolically connected to Freud's theory of biological drives, such as the libido and the death drive.


Self-development is an area that can truly transform your life. Countless experts, from authors to coaches, have explored powerful techniques like the law of attraction, affirmations, meditation, and visualisation. By shifting your perspective and changing your thinking, you can create the life you've always dreamed of. These methods are proven effective in altering your present reality and bringing about the desired changes. Invest in yourself and discover the power of self-development today.

Some individuals often dismiss manifestation as a mere wish or fantasy, with teachings viewed as nonsensical. However, I believe the four interconnected aspects of mind, body, emotions, and spirit are crucial in manifestation. If you are interested in the subject, understanding and acknowledging their relationship for manifestation is possible.


In my book, "Why We Make Bad Choices," I explored why Biblical Adam and Eve wanted to be like God, knowing good and evil. We can use this negative god-like energy without awareness or with awareness to control or influence others. Why We Make Bad Choices explains how the false self is formed and how our behaviours significantly affect the false image of ourselves. Our life force comprises our inherent spirit, the soul nature. By nurturing the life force within us, we can develop a sense of purpose and inner peace, pursue our passions, form meaningful relationships, engage in spiritual practices, and appreciate and express gratitude for life's simple joys.


One way to improve your self-esteem and promote self-love is to learn to like yourself, even if it does not feel real enough to act on positive behaviours. The key is to step out of your comfort zone and be kind to yourself, especially when speaking to yourself. This influences one's mindset, which eventually shapes one's overall mood. Practising self-compassion can help change negative thought patterns and reprogram the subconscious mind, thus impacting your conscious self.

Exploring our different instincts


Instinctive expressions are primarily biologically driven, affecting our psychological makeup. Our physiological system includes our survival instinct, which triggers the fight-or-flight response. Human instincts have evolved mainly to protect us from perceived threats and danger that heighten our automatic physiological reactions to acute stress, causing us to experience fear and anxiety. The psychological responses to fear and anxiety can prevent us from thriving to our fullest potential, therefore hindering our progress or even trying to make those fundamental changes.


Discover how biopsychology interactions can help us overcome our instincts and embrace change. Our fears and anxieties often prevent us from seeking change, but we must overcome them to grow. To learn more about this, continue reading, as it aligns with Maria's self-development ethos on instincts. 


In my book, I discussed the metaphorical expressions of good and evil, introducing the concept of "merism." Merism refers to the inseparable nature of two opposites: day and night, sun and moon, heaven and earth, and good and evil. These pairs cannot exist independently, as they are interconnected and complementary. As portrayed in numerous movies, the battle between good and evil rests in our hands.



The book's symbolic language themes of the creation story from the Old Testament, Genesis, combine with Carl Jung's transpersonal theories, suggesting that human behaviour is influenced by psychic energy from the collective unconscious, which contains traces of our ancestral past. The author has taken Jung's perspective of the collective unconscious, and the Biblical text of Genesis 1-3 symbolically suggests that we are made up of both good and bad energies since the biblical myth resides in the collective unconscious.

Instincts are the cornerstone of our being, primordial and deeply ingrained within us. They precede conscious thought yet exert an immense influence over it. It is crucial to recognise and tap into the power of our instincts to understand and harness our true potential.

Recently, I learnt that our instincts are associated with the integration of our three brains:

Head, heart and gut.

I attended an mBIT (multiple Brain Integration Techniques) training course based on neuroscience findings. Their research supports mBIT's model, which specialises in aligning and integrating three brains. Its ethos is to support you in utilising the three brains for wisdom and success—ultimately, the techniques help you connect to your authentic self.


Here are some examples of how these areas impact the formation of instincts or aligning the three brains:


The self-development factor of the book brings the false self into awareness, which enables us to convert our negative instincts into positive ones. Through Eros, we can redirect our focus towards improving our life force. The life force is linked to the soul and spirit, but how can we attain it? It is essential to release negative energies through therapy or alternative practices to aid your self-development journey. The book can offer an alternative perspective if you wish to take this in-depth view of the false self.



Meanwhile, what steps can you take to overcome the negative side of your personality?

•    Food is one of our basic primal instincts; without food, we die or wither into nothingness. Food feeds our brain's activity and the heart, which is our second brain, giving us loving nutrition and positively regulating the emotional and physical body. Depriving yourself of positive foods essentially feeds your negative side. The type of food we eat is vital to help with altering Thanatos's energy; a quote from  



Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin:

"Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are."​


•    Exercise is another important factor, no matter the type of exercise, as long the body is moving to shift stagnant or negative energies. Movements like yogic breathing practices[3], yoga, Thai Chi, or Qi Gong are as relevant as vigorous exercising to help with energy flow from being stuck in parts of the body. Returning to basics, babies cannot exercise, but the mother's hand massages their child's body, stimulates the brain and body, and improves breathing patterns. Breathing practices play a crucial role in our life force and spiritual energy.




•    The power of passion, fuelled by the universal element of fire, can inspire creativity and aggression and be used for good or evil. In my experience, finding your passion is crucial for the life force as it brings a sense of freedom, happiness, and purpose, which drives motivation in various areas of life. To preserve this precious quality, it's essential to be mindful not to compromise. Being content and radiating happiness attracts positive energy and good things. This book aims to raise awareness of one's true and false self.


•      Life's challenges should be viewed as valuable lessons. Our response to these challenges is critical and shapes our personal growth. Every person, thing, or place we encounter can serve as a tool for self-development. It's essential to shift our perspective and change how we perceive something. While this concept is not new, it's necessary to understand that personal growth is continuous. Often, we react automatically, and it can be challenging to limit our reactions. Without realising it, we may continue seeking out negative energy, as it can become addictive.


•    Alcohol and drugs activate Thanatos, leading to behaviour that separates us from our true selves.


•    The pursuit of power and control can have devastating consequences even for our loved ones; the desire to be all-powerful seems innate, even in children who bully others to exert dominance. One way to challenge ourselves is to seek and integrate Eros into our daily lives. 



Get in touch with Maria Liviero

If you want to learn more about my personal development book or enquire about delivery across the UK from my base in Buckinghamshire, get in touch to find out more!

Mobile: 07516 705196

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