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Book Signing

Why We Make Bad Choices in Modern-Day Genesis 1-3

An accomplished author from Buckinghamshire has recently published a nonfiction book titled "Why We Make Bad Choices". The book provides a well-researched analysis of our behavioural tendencies and their connection to the biblical creation myth. The author is currently seeking a publisher who can help promote the book and reach out to a wider audience. The aim is to inspire readers to reconnect with their higher selves, which have been lost over time. With its thought-provoking content and insightful analysis, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the human psyche.

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 "More about Maria Liviero, who is an award-winning author."


 How I got here all began as a lifeguard in London, but a colleague's motivating words without realising it transformed my life. Despite having minimal qualifications and no clear direction, I drifted through life without real goals or ambitions. However, when my colleague suggested I pursue further education, it was like a sudden realisation. Although I had never considered it, something about those words resonated, and I eventually enrolled in a course. Even though I faced challenges and failed, I didn't give up and tried another course. Regardless of having no prior understanding, taking those steps was the first step towards realising my hidden potential.


 I achieved a master's degree through my unyielding motivation, unwavering determination, and hard work. This journey was challenging, but I overcame every obstacle confidently and persevered. As time passed, I set my sights on more significant goals and pursued them with a fierce determination that never wavered. Despite facing countless setbacks and obstacles, I remained confident in my abilities and vision for success. Through it all, I never lost sight of my goals and continued to push myself harder every day. Even when faced with closed doors, I remained undeterred, maybe unconsciously. I knew that one day, I would reach my goals. My journey was far from easy; I had my share of difficult moments, but there must have been an innate need to achieve the goal of the unknown.

I never committed to a permanent full-time role; I temped for many years, waiting for that break or moment of my inner gifts to be realised. I thought, why should I give talents to a company or Organisation that will take what they need and tire you out and eventually, the gifts you are born with will not be realised? I stayed with the process, which meant no real income to buy the car, buy the house, and take regular holidays; it was an arduous process compared to myself. Why can't I get a 9-5 job, but it wasn't me!


As time went on, temping or receiving benefits, I was not deterred from allowing the unknown, which continued for about twenty years. Yes, twenty years of not knowing was no easy task! Fast forward, my collective unconscious and personal unconscious must have been talking to each other to write "Why We Make Bad Choices in Modern-Day Genesis 1-3," I don't know what was worse, undertaking the two degrees or writing this book, challenging to say the least – but I did it with obstacles. It sure tested whether I wanted this to be part of my journey. I'm not the best writer, but with an editor, why not? It works.


There was another unrealised part of me designing clothes. I cannot draw or sew to save my life, but others can. For me, creating is part of who I am – it's a core element of me, and without creating, I feel there is a lack, a sense of poverty in me, and my head goes into a spiral of negativity. So, when I create, I feel alive and one with myself; I guess some say it's the soul and spirit speaking to my physical body. I share my experience that my life is complete when I'm connected with my soul's qualities. I don't feel the need to fix the emptiness with people, places or things- my creativity does it for me and is accessible from the external fixes, but not all the time – the head gets in the way to try to sabotage the goodness of manifestation into reality. I believe it's about taking risks and stepping out into the unknown to have faith. I have, at times, fallen into the abyss of sabotaging and lack faith, but I always seem to return to the source stronger.

The writing and designing clothes show aspects of my personality and the beginning of something unknown to me that can only develop into ………..

Get in touch with Maria Liviero

If you want to learn more about my personal development book or her designs, get in touch to learn more!

Mobile: 07516 705196

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